What hath man wrought?? And, more importantly, why is Nicholas Cage feeding this liger with a baby bottle? And why does this hideous hybrid keep growing?
What secrets do Nicholas and his friend with the horn tatoo have in store for us? Is this part of a plan to take over the world? Will Nicholas, his friend, their dreadlocked lady-friend and the liger be at the next brat pack show? Count on it.
Jaybriel, can the liger and the tigon ever be friends or are they always going to be the yin and yang of the freakazoid jungle, like those guys from Wham (one of whom is a regular visitor to this blog and had a birthday two days before yours!)?
Which is bigger anyway? And what happens if panther and cheetah get too friendly? Peetah? Chanther? Would Josh of Seagulls know? Can he make me one?
I know I'm supposed to look at the liger and how huge it is, but if I could pretend it was normal sized, I could deal with the size of Nicholas Cage and his friends. Otherwise, they're scaring me more than the hybrid cat.
Dear Mr. Jaybriel,
We appreciated your cooperation in yesterday's inquiry into the whereabouts and woebegottens of the miscreant engineer Mr. of Seagulls. Your assistance is now required in a far more disturbing and urgent matter.
When did "commentate" sneak its slimy, back-formationized way and into such credible sources as wikipedia? What have we become? Should we prepare to embrace monstrosities as "punditarian" or "critiquesque?" Your recent post suggests some familiarity with shocking aberrations.
Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the terms of your contract and file your confidential report by morning.
What the F are Management and Jaybriel talking about. I just see a big Hipo Tiger at a circus.
Sorry about that. It's me, the real Jessie Van Halen, and I didn't mean to be so ill-tempered in that last opinion. That was really very rude of me, and I think Jaybriel and Management are A-Okay, and whatever they want to talk about is really smart and great.
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