Sunday, June 25, 2006

We're Number Ten!

It's getting hard to tell the difference between TOMMY "I'm Great" TUBULAR and any number of Latin American football legends - you know, The King, The Golden Boy (and his Golden Hand,) that new kid from Brazil, Lord Allen Falconer, and so on. It's totally confusing, and their #10 jerseys sure don't help. See if you can figure out which action photo is of our own superstar.

P.S. TOMMY says soccer is FT (that's kind of like PC to the BP.)


Anonymous said...

Someone's got World Cup Fever.

Anonymous said...

I give up. Which one is he?

Anonymous said...

WHo cares about soccer? GEEZ

Jesse VanHalen said...

These are all clearly fakes. Fist off look at the top left photo. This is supposed to be a photo of Pele. But look closer, he only has one leg! Now look at the bottom left photo. Again, same problem, one leg. Now direct your attention to the top right photo. This is supposed to be ronaldinho. I had this photo enlarged and inspected by a specialist in photo forgeries. This is clearly richard pryor, sitting on a toilet, with a ball painted in front off him, the toilet removed, a crowd added and a fake Brazil soccer clothing drawn over his original clothing. Then they put ronaldinho's head over Richard Pryor's. Finally let's look at the forgery at the bottom right. This is clearly a bowl of sushi flavored sauerkraut.