Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Most Awesome Crossword Winner Ever!

Jeff Hintz, Quality Assurance Technician (is that the guy who makes sure stuff isn't crumbling or does he take complaints?), is so smart that he solved the St. Patrick's Day Crossword Puzzle with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back. And he solved it faster than anyone has ever solved one of our mind-benders! For this triumph, he will receive an UNOPENED (yeah, Larry, you heard right) copy of Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease DVD #1!


Jesse VanHalen said...

I've used that DVD many times. I've ruined many socks with it

A Friend of a Friend of a Friend said...


Kendell Welch said...

Holy Crap!!! Nessie blogs with us!

Tell Them It Was a Friend of a Friend said...

Vote for cheese, Sixteen Kendells! Cheese needs your support!

Kendell Welch said...

As much as I love its cultured taste, I'm allergic to cheese :(

A Friend of a Friend of a Friend said...

Then do vote for boots! Yummy.

Jesse VanHalen said...

You know you want it Nessie.