Uncle Jeff, Noted Astrophysicist, sent me a fabulous activity last night. I know you guys think I'm always at the mall with Guido Menudo, but really I like puzzles and dead languages as much as the next guy, this next guy being Jeff de Lauper, Noted Astrophysicist. You can try cracking the code too, and if you want help, click on the links for hints - I know you're going to love it (especially Deanna, crossword puzzle champion of the world.)
There is a fictional horse that will listen to a number you say and tap its hoof a certain number of times in response. This horse's answers follow a rule so that if you say the numbers on the left below, the horse will tap its hoof the number of times on the right below. Can you figure out how many times the horse will tap its hoof if you say 33?
1 -> 1
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 2
5 -> 1
6 -> 2
7 -> 3
8 -> 4
9 -> 2
10 -> 1
11 -> 2
12 -> 3
13 -> 4
14 -> 3
15 -> 2
20 -> 2
25 -> 3
33 -> ?
50 -> 1
Six times. That was too easy!
hmm.. now see i would say 5.. if i was figuring accordin to the coins numbers....
maybe i should stick with crossword puzzles since i am the crossworld champion of the world! lol
I think it is 5 to because you would have 1 quater, one nickel, and 3 pennies so that make 5.
ok.. so it is 6.. i understand it now.lol. but the coin thing would of been 5 if it would of worked for ALL the numbers :)
Thanks Deanna! I know it now! and it is not 5,,lmao! you are the puzzle queen!!
nope not me.. candy is the queen of this puzzle.. she had it before me.. i just discovered they had a blog today.. not sure where i have been lately.lol. im still waitin on a new crossword! lol
Does everyone know why 33 is 6? (The last link leads to a really great clue, featuring boobs.)
P.S. I don't know if i still have the crossword software, since we've had a total techno-overhaul in the last month or so! Maybe I'll have to write one out by hand. But what's the point, when Deanna's just going to solve it instantly anyway?
Yes it is 6 because(thanks to my good old pal Deanna showed me why) if you look at the roman numrals you will see there are 6 letters for the number 33...
the roman numeral thing kinda gave it away! hey i can make u a crossword puzzle :) does that mean i still win if i solve it???? lol
there is free software online to make crossword puzzles.. u can google it.. or i can find it for u and send u the link if u like...
try that one.. i haven't tried it yet but looks like it would work the best for an 80s crossword.. u put in the answer and the clue and it will generate the puzzle...
hmm never mind that one... i think u got to pay for it now that i looked at it a lil closer.. ill find u one tho lynndi
We had Crossword Forge, which was very easy to use but also tended to crash my computer. I don't think we have it anymore (not because of the havoc it wrought, but because we just started over,) but I'm starting to think I should just mail the two of you a couple hundred bucks for the prizes won so far and the prizes you will win soon enough.
Maybe I just got lucky solving the problem - I was really underthinking it. I didn't even look at hints or think about Roman Numerals or coins. I just looked for a pattern (keep in mind, I've taught Special Ed preschool kids for almost a year now). I looked at 33 as two 3s (one in the one's place and one in the ten's place). Each three would get 3 hoof stomps; so, 3+3 is 6. It was my first thought when I checked to see if the pattern held true for the other numbers given, and Ta Da! Seriously, it took me under 5 seconds to solve this. But thanks for making me feel so smart. I needed the confidence boost, especially after just barely passing my writing essay exam last week.
that was my first thought too candy.. but i thought nah that is too simple.. so i looked thru the hints and didn't even look at the roman numeral thing until i said i thought it was 5.. then as soon as i seen the roman numeral chart i was like yeah its 6.lol
ok lynndi.. go ahead n send me a couple hundred bucks! ill accept!! :D lmao ill need it for when we come up to your territory to party with brat pack! lol
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