Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hurry! Get Josh!

With the information recently obtained from "Uncle Jeff," noted theoretical astrophysicist, we could be a hair's breadth away from exploiting a vulnerability in the heretofore impenetrable space/time continuum. If only we could drag Josh of Seagulls away from his top secret chemistry lab deep in the bowels of Champaign-Urbana, we could probably use his protractor to finish painting the flames on our hotrod spaceship and send GI Joe and his crack commandos on their way!


Jesse VanHalen said...

I like crack!

Anonymous said...

Josh of Seagulls seems to spend a lot of time in the repulsive underbelly of Champaign-Urbana... what kind of experiments is he conducting exactly?

Anonymous said...

those crack commandos kick ass HAHAHAHAHA